Testing & Inspection
All electrical installations deteriorate with age and use. They should therefore be inspected and tested at regular intervals to check whether they are in a satisfactory condition for continued use. Such safety checks are commonly referred to as 'periodic inspection and testing'.
From June 2020, private landlords in England are required to have a periodic inspection carried out on the installations in their rental properties every five years. This has been a legal requirement in Scotland since 2015. Electrical Safety First recommends that these checks are carried out wherever you live in the UK, to ensure the safety of your property and your tenants.
Once a periodic inspection has been completed, you will be issued with an Electrical Condition Report (EICR).
A periodic inspection will:
- Confirm your circuits have the correct protection in-place.
- Find any potential electric shock risks and fire hazards.
- Identify any defective electrical work.
- Highlight any lack of earthing or bonding.
How often is periodic inspection required?
- 10 years for an owner-occupied home.
- 5 years for a rented home.
Other times when a periodic inspection should be carried out are:
- When a property is being prepared for letting.
- Before selling a property or buying a previously-occupied property.
- Commercial use of an installation.
All documents proving the work is safe for continued use will be provided if everything is in order. We can advise you whether a repair or replacement is required if any issues are identified. We have qualified electricians who can advise and rectify any issue you have.
Commercial buildings like shops and offices typically require electrical testing every five years, while factories and other types of buildings may need testing more frequently. However, the actual frequency of testing of all buildings can vary and will be determined by the engineer following the initial inspection. It's important to note that the recommended retest frequency is not set in stone and may change based on the specific needs of the building.